2018 Events

Christmas Eve
Glorious services at both 5:30pm and 10pm celebrated the birth of Jesus with jubilant praise!  Venite adoremus Dominum!

Sunday, December 16 – 4pm
Carols, Cookies, and Cocoa!
Bring your favorite cookies with the recipe.  Joyful guitars will play all of your favorite Christmas Carols.  Come enjoy the happy fellowship!

Saturday, December 8 – Merry Melrose 
Trinity was ready!  During the parade, people of Trinity handed out stuffed animals to children in the crowd.  Following the parade, the women sold some wonderful things from the Thrift Shop and the men served delicious Gumbo and Chili.

Inside, we had the Nativity Walk, with Nativities from all over the world and some that hold their own interest from years gone by or with very special memories.  Another table had nativities and things which children were free to handle.  There was also be hot cocoa and cookies for everyone and wonderful Christmas music.  Many thanks to ALL who participated!

Thursday, November 22 ~ 11am – 2pm
Thanksgiving in the Park
Hundreds were served at the Thanksgiving Day dinner at the park. Congratulations to Linda Wilcox for coordinating this event and many thanks to all of the helping hands! for the day!

Chili Supper Friday starting at 3pm Barbecue Lunch on Saturday, 11am to 1pm. New this year is a book nook for relaxing and browsing. Also included are bake sale, jams, jellies, pickles, and antiques, furniture, collectibles, art, quality housewares, renewed, recycled, and repurposed items, plants, Christmas selection, crafts, jewelry, and quality new clothes. Please save any grocery store wine bags you might have for the bazaar.   They work really well for packing the jams, jellies, etc.  And, think about what you might be able to contribute to the bake sale.  Remember if you have any old, broken or damaged jewelry we are also collecting that and you may drop it off at the office or give it to Carol Flynn.

October 20 – 7pm
Many thanks to the those who participated in the Trinity Talent Show!  The event was a successful one for the Outreach Committee – all proceeds support our Outreach Ministry.

Saturday, October 6
Blessing of the Animals
Please mark your calendar for the Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, October 6, at 10 am in Heritage Park. We have a special guest coming from Rooterville, a pot-bellied pig! Please invite friends and neighbors to come and bring their pets. Dogs should be kept on a leash and kitty-cats  in a carrier.  All critters welcome!  Treats and water for the animals and cookies and lemonade for people!

Wednesday, September 26 – 4th Wednesday Dinner
The speaker, Rebecca Padgett of Penney Farms, will presented a program on the history and mission of Penney Farms. The interesting presentation also included a video describing life there.

September 20 – Grill and Chill
The men enjoyed a special treat!  Will brought a mess of fresh fish and fried them up for a record 14 men present; french fries, hush puppies, cole slaw and grits completed the fabulous meal!

May 23 – 4th Wednesday – “Food and Feasts of the Bible”
Researching the topic must have been fascinating for John Katterhenry, who by vocation is a chef. As John shared with us, “Once I began researching this project I found more than enough information to fill an entire semester. Besides getting hungrier and hungrier, I made some great discoveries of how food was not only used for sustenance but also was a very common metaphoric tool used for teaching the ideas. Perhaps the best example of this would be in the Lord’s Prayer, “Give us this day our Daily Bread.”  A slide presentation accompanied John’s talk on “Foods and Feasts of the Bible.”

May 20 – The Day of Pentecost

April 1 – Easter Sunday!

The Soup Supper on March 21, was hosted by St. Mark’s in Starke.  A delicious array of soup was enjoyed by all as well as the lively fellowship during dinner. Our program focused on the Episcopal Church; American roots of the church were explored and discussed.

Men’s Club Grill-n-Chill
Just bring your own meat and beverage, we’ll provide baked potatoes and a garden salad.WEDNESDAYS IN LENT – March 14 The hall was full for tonight’s soup supper, program, and Eucharist with folks from Trinity, as well as St. Mark’s of Starke. Our program for the evening was presented by The Reverend Doug Dupree, the Diocesan Canon Theologian and Rector of the Bishop’s Institute for Ministry and Leadership. Tonight’s supper was provided by our Trinity soup chefs with an assortment of 10 different offerings, from Jambalaya to Alaskan Seafood Chowder!

The fourth Wednesday in our series of Lenten programs on the History of Anglicanism will he held at Trinity on Wednesday, March 14, beginning at 6:00pm. Soup supper and the program with discussion is followed by Holy Eucharist. Members of St. Mark’s of Starke will be joining us for the evening   This event is open to the public…all are welcome!

LENTEN SOUP SUPPERS – WEDNESDAYS February 21 @ St Marks @ 6pm
February 28 @ Trinity @ 6pm
March 7 @ St. Mark’s @ 6pm
March 14 @ Trinity @ 6pm
March 21 @ St. Mark’s @ 6pm
March 28 @ Trinity @ 6pm

Our series of Lenten services will be held on alternating weeks at either Trinity or St. Mark’s in Starke.   A program and Eucharist follow the soup supper. This year the theme will be “Our Anglican Roots,” which includes videos, discussion, and special speakers.  Please join us!

Thursday, February 15

TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 13 from 5-7pm
It’s time for the Troop #109 Annual Pancake Supper!

Blue Gold Ceremony – February 12

CELEBRATING BOY SCOUT SUNDAY AT TRINITY So happy to have members of Troop #109 celebrate Boy Scout Sunday with us today! We are so proud of our troop! Congratulations to our newest Eagle Scout, Jacob Lowe! For his Eagle project, Jacob was the project manager to lead a crew as they blazed and widened trails in the Welaka State Forest. We are very proud of Jacob and all that he has accomplished in his scouting career!

Sunday February 4 – One service at 10am
Our Annual Meeting was embedded into our Sunday service – brilliant idea!! Trinity’s Delegate, Jean Giesel, reported on the annual Diocesan Convention, several representatives of our wonderful ministries briefly spoke about their work, and the 2018 budget was presented. “Departing” vestry members, Jeanne S Homany and Laurie Alsobrook, were acknowledged for their service. By acclamation, new vestry members, Elaine Ashley and Bob Hood were received. Many thanks to Elaine and Bob for stepping up!

Wednesday, January 24
Many thanks to Dan Dorosheff, Fish and Wildlife Biologist, who spoke about invasive plants of the lake area and their management. Thanks, as well, to John and Cheryl Katterhenry for dinner and for organizing the event. An informative evening appreciated by all!

Past Events – 2017

Past Events – 2016

Past Events – 2015